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Close your eyes and imagine a hard, throbbing dick exploring your mouth deep. Do you want some dick?

Oooooh ! I would love to hug it for many hours ^ ❤

I would give absolutely anything just to kiss real softly on that sweet boys little open mouth and look right at him and pour my heart out and confess to him how beautiful he is and how much I love him…. Ughh my legs are shaking uncontrollably right now, I have goosebumps down my shoulders and arms, it’s so hard to look at him with his little sweet mouth open like that…. Ughhh this is so hard… Ashley. Gosh he looks sooo good. Those veins drive me crazy. Hes big. Would love to blow him through the chair. My goodness I want to give that oral please. Going to be impossible to pull out. He is stuck in jail. Awesome powerful looking cock. My wife could use some of that serious dick action. Huge cock prefer to see you sliding it into my wifes pussy.